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Xander Smith

Lets  draw!


Born somewhere in Colorado in 1992, (yes I'm young but I will conquer anything that needs to be drawn and designed), I chose the path of a designer as a platform to further my knowledge and understanding of this crazy modern world of ours, to keep bettering myself as a human being, as an artist and as a student of life, and to continue to educate myself about topics not just restricted to art, but also much broader subjects that encompass our humanity today.


But we can get into the deep ideological stuff later. Lets draw.


I'm currently working as a freelance concept artist through Ironklad Studios. I studied hard for 3 and 1/2 years at the Gnomon School of Visual Effects and the Concept Design Academy. I'm interested in the blending of digital 2D and 3D formats to create fully realized concepts. I specialize in characters, creatures, vehicles, props, environments, and graphics. I work with Photoshop, Zbrush, and Maya professionally, but love to create fine art and illustration with whatever mediums I can get my hands on. My current favorites are ink markers, charcoal and conte pencils, oil and acrylic paint, oil-based and earth clay and of course pencils and pens. Whatever the material, medium or program, as long as I am creating and learning I'm happy.
I work closely with clients to create and give life to their ideas, delivering interesting, exciting and provocative story-driven ideas and concepts.


I take commissions of all sizes, I love creative collaborations, and I am always interested in learning new subjects. Hit me up at, or check out my continuous progress at


All humans be equal.

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